Minister of the List (MOL)
You kick butt, we take names.
Baronial MOL
Lore von Bubeck
MOLs set up pairings for a tournament. Pictured left to right are Lady Cellach Mór, Lady Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd, and Lady Adriana Michaels. (Photo by Lady Ysane de la Selle, used with permission.)
News from the MOL's Office
Fighter authorizations are now electronic. At Atlantian MOL site, you can create a user account, print an auth card or check your authorization date and current weapons forms. When you authorize or renew, you'll need your username from the above site. (If you've already got a University or polling order account, you don't need to create a new one.) Also, authorization fees are now waived.
So, What Does an MOL Do?
The MOL (Minister/Mistress of the List) runs tournaments for armored and rapier combat. This includes signing fighters in, keeping track of tournament standings, and taking care of paperwork for fighters who are authorizing. It also means having the best seat to watch the fighting.
What Do I Have to Do To Be an MOL?
There's an MOL 101 class, usually offered at Kingdom University. Take the class and send in the take-home test. Then, you'll apprentice MOL at three events, helping an experienced MOL run the table.
Rules, Paperwork, and All That Good Stuff
The Kingdom MOL page has the MOL handbook, the waivers, and Frequently Asked Questions for the office of the MOL.